The Ohsweken, Ontario bingo hall services Six Nations of the Grand River and the surrounding area. The 2,800 m² (30,000 ft²) building was built to service a capacity of approximately 1,200 people, with a daily attendance of approximately 3,900 people, including food service.
A 50,000 L/day onsite sewage treatment and disposal system was designed, approved by Health Canada, and tendered. The system consists of primary treatment, flow equalization, Waterloo Biofilter treatment units, and an AQUA Treatment Technologies Constructed Wetland. Treated effluent is discharged to an onsite swale. Design of this system was particularly challenging due to anticipated variations in wastewater quantity and quality, extremely low permeability of onsite soils, and significant time constraints associated with the design and tendering process. The combination of Waterloo Biofilter treatment units followed by an AQUA wetland was an innovative solution that had not been implemented before, but produces a high quality treated effluent suitable for onsite surface discharge. The innovative sewage treatment system requires considerably less land area than would have been required for a conventional leaching bed.
Services Provided:
Engineering projects of all shapes and sizes.